Friday, May 8, 2020

Snotblox in isolation: A week of Daily Challenge Builds (week 1)

I've become involved with my school's Lego Club (which is a new, virtual club we're running while in remote-learning mode. One of the main things we have been doing is a daily challenge build. I found a calendar online with 30 challenges on it, and we've been working our way through. I tend to build during what would normally be recess if I was not working from home. Anyway, I thought I'd post the daily challenge builds in weekly batches. Of course, I did not think of this until Day 10... The cycle actually starts and ends on Thursdays, so the next batch will go up on Thursday.
Day One: Build a Roller Coaster - most of the rock work comes from another project, so I did not need to build it all for this one.

Day two: build a town. I went microscale here due to lack of time and parts. Note the light house - those are white bricks! They're just so old and discoloured they almost match the tan ones.

Day three was Rocketship. I did start out trying to build something a bit more rocket shaped, but it ended up as another space pirate ship. It's okay, the kids in the club all went with more spaceship shaped builds than rocket ship shaped builds anyway.

Day four was The World's Tallest Tower. I know it meant to try to build the tallest tower you could, but that's really a build to do with kids, and since I have none, I decided to build a vignette showing two kids building the world's tallest tower.

Day Five was Aeroplane (spelled wrong as the calendar is American). I decided to rebuild a kit from childhood, but could not find all the parts (they're probably at my brother's place) and ended up using different colours. There's also some slight redesign as I couldn't find the engines or the vital 4x4 hinge plate used in the middle of the wings.

Day Six was The Perfect Pizza. I was working from School that day, supervising the handful of children of vital service workers who are coming in every day, so I took some parts with me. I knew I did not have parts to make anything like a Pizza itself, so I made another vignette. Here, Dad uses his shovel to pull the perfect pizza from the new pizza oven he's just built.

Day Seven was Robot, so I build this Mk.Ib Light Maintenane Trundler. It was also Wednesday, which is virtual online AFOL play date day, so I built a vignette to go with him later on.
Well, that's the first week's worth of challenge builds. I'll be back on Thursday to post the next batch, including Castle, Horse, and Boat That Floats!

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