Friday, June 12, 2020

Building Hogwarts

Almost 2 years ago now, my family went on a trip to the US and this included a visit to Legoland California. It was great fun, but at the end when I was browsing the shop I decided to buy a couple of the new Harry Potter sets as my souvenirs.
They were great sets, with all sorts of cool details. My son and I actually built the Great Hall set in the hotel room that night, despite knowing we'd have to pull it apart again for the flight back to Australia. Somewhere along the way I was left deciding that I wanted to expand on the sets a bit. I think the size of the main tower in the Great Hall set underwhelmed me a bit. I felt the rest of the detail warranted a bit of an upgrade. Anyway, when we got home I was still keen to do this, and made the mistake of hopping onto Bricklink for the first time. And things basically spiraled out of control from there...
This is my most recent complete picture of my Hogwarts build. Some elements have been added since then, but it's hard to get a complete picture of it all at once in its current room.

The Great Hall got bigger, and gained some extra rocks.
The main tower got bigger and bigger, being completely rebuilt several times as I kept changing my mind about scale...
Is fat.
 And a lot of extra sections and details have been added along the way.

It's still a work in progress, but there are also a lot of basically completed sections. The idea was that the set would be scaled up version of the playable sets, so everything is meant to be accessible. I'll post more detail about the various sections later, but for now this will do.

1 comment:

  1. What, no picture of the great, shifting but ever present Hermione/Filch fight?

    I think my favourite memory of the Hogwarts building (apart from building the great hall for a second time in Australia, and then realising we were at Hampton Games Club, not the Hoodling's Hole meaning it had to be transported back by car, falling apart in the process and being built a third time) was when I arrived at Greg's to be greeted by the words "Ah! Owen! Thank god your here - I've got an engineering problem I need you to solve!" Which was followed by thirty seconds of stoney silence and death glares from the two fully qualified engineers already in the room.
    Note that they failed to solve the engineering problem, where my mighty film-school brain managed to over come it. And then turn it into a robot crab for a while.
