Monday, June 17, 2019

Lego Galaxy Trucker

Recently Elliot has gotten very keen on the board game Galaxy Trucker. After playing it on Saturday I was struck by a thought - at some point I had seen a version of Galaxy Trucker built from Lego. So I told Elliot and we decided to have a go at making our own. This is the result.
As a result of what is in Greg's collection, we didn't end up building anything like the version I'd seen on Board Game Geek, and it's not an accurate recreation of the game pieces at all, but everything is recognisable as what it's meant to be. 
The modules are (reading from left to right, starting at the front of the ship) 
  • Double cannons (which really should be purple, but Greg does not have much purple)
  • Brown Alien Life Support (the only Macaroni pieces available were shades of brown so we built this instead of a crew module)
  • Hazardous Cargo storage (with removable hazardous cargo pods under the grilles)
  • Core (As far as I can tell, Greg's only got one of those hollow cone pieces so we're never going to be able to build another core in a different colour.)
  • Double Battery
  • Engine (It's impossible to build modules beside the engine due to the manoeuvring thrusters sticking out the sides - might need to change that)

 We did start a crew compartment, but dinner intervened. Elliot has been challenged to try to add more modules during the week. On Friday and Saturday I'll be going back and we might work on some more parts.

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