Saturday, February 23, 2019

Owen's MOCs - Spaceships

Now that we've got the blog running it gives me a convenient place to post some photos of some of my MOCs. These were built a few years ago, and all make extensive use of my childhood collection (which my mother did not immediately throw out when I left home, and which now lives with me once more) with a few more modern parts. Most of my modern parts are tied up in my extensive collection of Lego Town trucks which I don't really want to dismantle for MOC parts, so here we are. Although the parts are vintage, I've tried to use a lot of techniques which I never used as a child - extensive sideways building, different angles, and hiding studs with smooth tiles where I can.

This is the M:Tron Prospector. It was the first Lego spacceship I bought after leaving the Dark Ages. I had heaps of M:Tron as a kid, and I still love the colour combo. This started out as a fighter, but the engines just got bigger and bigger until I realised it was some sort of scout ship shuttle deal.

There's a magnet under the back for lifting containers and other things. It's not the best placement, but I never got round to improving it.

The base is needed to keep everything off the ground when the cargo magnet is in use. Not the big boat bow pieces used for the fuselage.

Head on you really get an idea of how big those engines are.

The Prospector can also carry the Hunchback Scrabble scout walker (which is inspired by an old Futuron robot from my childhood) and the mobile habitation pod (a sort of high tech tent)

With the M:Tron ship done, I decided to build a bad guy, so I dipped into Blacktron 2 (I had one Blacktron 1 kit, and the minifig from it was my favourite minifig for my entire childhood - I was a bit young when Blacktron 1 came out and missed a lot of it) to build the Reaver medium fighter. I mucked around a lot with angled wings as a kid, but never anything as extreme as this.

The whole body is built at angles which gives it a very interesting shape.

Oh dear. The first hover car. Of course I wanted to build hover cars! Hover cars are cool! Not sure why a Spyrius robot is driving it...

I used some car doors for fins at the back. I'd use this technique more if I had more doors...

I needed something to go between the sideways build fenders and decided to mimic the immortal Edsel by Ford. 

This is some sort of Blacktron dragster-y thing. I had a lot of cylinders, but unfortunately the nose piece was not something I had in anything other than Aquasharks markings or M:Tron or Ice Planet 2002. I try to ignore the clashing markings...

This is a very long vehicle for that dragster-ish feel since ti can't have the huge wheels at the back and tiny ones at the front, I wanted to emphasise the dragster look by stretching it and having the biggest possible engine-y looking area.

And there certainly are a lot of engine-y cylinder things!

I was running now on black by this point, so I decided to have a go at classic space colours. I never had classic space - it was before I was born. My cousins had some, and passed some of it on, and I had all of Ice Planet 2002, so no problem with the blue parts there. This is some sort of heavy lift shuttle I came up with.

The pod tucked in under the back is removable.

I wanted the canopy to fit like this, which was not easy. It took a lot of work to get it to fit securely - it was very fragile throughout most of the builf.

One thing I am very interested in now that I am back into Lego is building engines for spaceships out of different parts. Here I tried out some technic wheels.

With the cargo pod removed, you can see the load master's window and the clamps used to hold the pod.

I didn't have many vintage space men to pilot the machine, but I found this one and gave him a glorious piratical moustache.

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